Westgate Chiropractic

Our Services


Cold Laser Therapy

Massage Therapy

Welcome to a World of Pain Management and Low Stress Level

Chiropractic treatment has proven effective for the relief of many conditions including back and neck pain, headaches, shoulder and arm pain, wrist and hand pain, leg pain and more. If you are experiencing any of the following…

  • Aching or sore muscles?
  • Stiff or painful movement in joints?
  • Poor range of motion in your neck, hips, or back?
  • Chronic pain from traumatic events such as a fall or car accident?
  • Stress carried in your shoulder and neck?
  • Restless leg syndrome?

Chiropractic treatment may be right for you!

These issues can be the results of instant, traumatic experiences in our lives, such as an auto accident, a fall, or even a misstep off of a stair or curb. These “quick jolts” can cause severe issues in our muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints, resulting in painful inflammation, a reduction in range of motion, and more serious long term issues.

Additionally, some of these issues can be the result of long-term lifestyle and activity choices. Years of poor posture behind a computer, slouching, or improper sleeping positions can result in hip and spinal misalignment that causes pinched nerves, sciatic pain, or numbness. 

Start Feeling Better Today!

Call and schedule your free consultation with us. Your body will thank you later!

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